Letter to a Friend
"I was sorry to hear about your furlough, that must be worrisome. You were picking up steam at the new job, bringing your valuable skills to the table in a way that was respectful and collaborative. It's a fine line and you walk it well. You always empower the people around you my friend, lifting other up while keeping your own ego in check. It's admirable and inspiring. Then this shit show came down. Fate is perverse right now. Your were picking up steam at your new job until the virus shut you down cold. I was positioning myself for a graceful exit from my job until the virus slammed the door shut. Who in their right mind would quick a job right now? Not me. I'm not that brave. I wish you would harness your angst and write that album of folks songs. I could play it in my car as a ran away from home, leaving this mess in the rear view. We are all so tired and confused and deeply concerned. The maniac in the White...